The Inception Workshop was held on the 1 July 2021 in order to present and launch the project and discuss key partnerships. In the opening statements it was noted that this is a “monumental event” to launch the project and coordinate with partners and stakeholders, with over 200 participants, including participating country national teams, and other relevant national stakeholders, and key regional and global partners and projects.
The SCS SAP overall vision, objectives, outputs as well as planned activities for 2021 were presented by the Senior Project Manager, as well as the projects executing arrangements and national and regional level working groups and committees to ensure full engagement of all stakeholders in project execution. This was followed by national presentations from National Technical Working Group chairs from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam.
The 1st Steering Committee Meeting of the SCS SAP project was held online on the 29 and 30 of June, 2021 with official representatives from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam and the UNEP Task Manager for the project, with the support of SEAFDEC, UNOPS and the Project Coordination Unit staff. National teams also participated as observers with a total of 51 participants in total. Over the course of one year, three regional meetings and over 30 national meetings and bilateral have been held in preparation. Regret was expressed that the meeting could not meet in person due to COVID-19 but it was stressed that “This project will not be stopped by the pandemic!”
The Steering Committee Meeting is the formal decision-making body of the project, consisting of the chairpersons of the National Inter-Ministry Committee (IMC) and the National Technical Working Group from the six participating countries, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with secretariat support from the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC). The objective of the meeting is to discuss and adopt the detailed activities, work plan and budget and organizational arrangements of the project, among others.
The SCS SAP Inception Workshop will launch and kick-start the project, engaging all project partners and key stakeholders who will be invited to attend. The objective of the Inception Workshop is to present the project and have an open exchange and share information with all stakeholders regarding the project. This event will finally conclude the project’s Inception Phase to start the full implementation phase of the project.
Both events will be held online using the ZOOM online meeting platform. The documents and other materials will be available on project website at
National agencies from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand as well as the Project Implementation Unit met on 15 March 2021 online to discuss and elaborate further the preparation of the National Implementation Report (NIR) for adoption at the First PSC meeting. A total of forty-three (43) participants attended the meeting.
The meeting was organized to provide support and guidance to the national teams in order to have a common and clear understanding on how to develop and complete the NIR, which is considered as the National Project Document that will be the basis for execution of the project and its activities at national and site levels. All participants expressed appreciation on the timely organization of the meeting as it provided them guidance and clarification in addressing issues and concerns encountered in developing and completing the NIR.
For further details of the meeting, see the project website at
Sixty-five (65) participants from national agencies from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam as well as from UN agencies UNEP and UNOPS and regional organizations SEAFDEC and COBSEA met on 4 December 2020 online to further discuss the elaboration of national and regional activities for the UNEP/GEF South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand project to implement the Strategic Action Programme for the marine and coastal environment.
As part of the inception phase of the project, participating countries have organized their respective internal coordination and consultations with concerned agencies and institutions to discuss the project, identify key national focal points, experts and stakeholders, elaborate the activities for the key mangrove, seagrass, coral reef and wetland habitat sites in each country.
The UNEP GEF Implementing the Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS SAP) Project held its first Inception Phase online meeting on Thursday 30th July 2020, with forty-five (45) participants from national lead agencies from Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam as well as implementing and executing agencies, UNEP, UNOPS, and the Inception Phase consultants. China was unable to participate due to technical issues, which will be resolved for future meetings.
A Project Inception Team has been engaged by UNEP since April 2020 to work on the preparation and documentation for the SCS-SAP Project inception phase. The team, composed of Dr. Virginie Hart and Mr. Reynaldo Molina, aims to elaborate the regional and national activities of the project, in close consultation with national and regional partners, and in preparation for an Inception Phase meeting. This Inception Phase gives opportunity for countries and project partners to collectively review and discuss the project design and activities to ensure that the project is fully in line with recent and current national initiatives and priorities, given the period of time between the SAP adoption in 2008, the CEO endorsement in 2016 and the present.
Based on the SSC SAP Project document endorsed by the GEF Secretariat, the team is currently drafting the Regional Implementation Report and the National Implementation Reports for each country detailing the information on the execution of regional and national activities, including the documentation for the project inception meeting to be organized possibly in late 2020 or early 2021.
This initiative entitled “Implementing the Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand" is financed by the Global Environment Facility and is implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme in partnership with the Ministries responsible for environment in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The overall objective of this initiative is to assist the governments of the participating countries in meeting the targets of the approved Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the South China Sea through the provision of technical assistance as required in implementing national activities in support of the SAP; and the provision of strong regional co-ordination of the process of SAP implementation.
The South China Sea is a strategic body of water surrounded by nations that are currently at the helm of industrialization and rapid economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region. The South China Sea has always been central to issues of economic and political stability in Southeast Asia and adjacent regions. The South China Sea is also a global center of shallow water tropical marine biodiversity and is central to defining environmental sustainability and food security in the region. Coastal communities of the South China Sea’s riparian states are, however, at the highest risk globally from the impacts of increasing rates of coastal and marine environmental degradation. The Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea, endorsed at the inter-governmental level, represents the only agreed common vision among the participating countries on targets and actions for reversing environmental degradation trends in the South China Sea. The following short film outlines the process of Strategic Action Programme formulation and importantly the contribution its implementation will make to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
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