National Specialized Executing Agencies (SEAs) will be engaged and assume overall responsibility for the execution of the national-level activities in their respective areas of expertise for SAP implementation in accordance with the initiative’s results framework. The SEAs will convene quarterly meetings of national committees for mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass, wetlands, land-based pollution, and economic valuation. The SEAs will nominate a National Focal Point to: (a) act as the main point of contact; (b) act as Chair of the his/her respective National Committee; (c) act as a member of NTWG; and (d) act as a member of the respective Regional Working Group or Task Force. The SEAs will also plan and implement activities aimed at achieving the national-level goals and targets of SAP. In doing so, the SEAs will engage with national networks to the fullest extent possible and establish institutional linkages with provincial and local governments and communities.
- Cambodia SEAs and NFPs
- China SEAs and NFPs
- Indonesia SEAs and NFPs
- Philippines SEAs and NFPs
- Thailand SEAs and NFPs
- Vietnam SEAs and NFPs