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A Project Inception Team has been engaged by UNEP since April 2020 to work on the preparation and documentation for the SCS-SAP Project inception phase. The team, composed of Dr. Virginie Hart and Mr. Reynaldo Molina, aims to elaborate the regional and national activities of the project, in close consultation with national and regional partners, and in preparation for an Inception Phase meeting. This Inception Phase gives opportunity for countries and project partners to collectively review and discuss the project design and activities to ensure that the project is fully in line with recent and current national initiatives and priorities, given the period of time between the SAP adoption in 2008, the CEO endorsement in 2016 and the present.

Based on the SSC SAP Project document endorsed by the GEF Secretariat, the team is currently drafting the Regional Implementation Report and the National Implementation Reports for each country detailing the information on the execution of regional and national activities, including the documentation for the project inception meeting to be organized possibly in late 2020 or early 2021.

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